Are You Sure It's A Tick?
Ticks are arachnids like spiders. Below, we list some of the main features of a tick to help you identify what may be a tick before moving forward with a tick submission.
The scutum is a hardened plate on the back of the tick. It can have patterns or colors that are useful when identifying different species of ticks.

The mouthparts of the tick (their size and shape) can also be useful for identifying tick species.
Close-up of tick mouthparts

Ticks have 3 different life stages that vary in size. The first stage is called a larva, after a blood meal the larva becomes a nymph, after a blood meal the nymph becomes an adult - either male or female. The features used to identify ticks can vary by life stage.

Common non-ticks often mistaken for ticks! This is not a comprehensive list
ArachnidsInsectsBed Bug
Japanese Beetle
Brown marmorated stink bug
Cranberry Weevil
Varied Carpet Beetle
Smooth Spider Beetle
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